Io Jupiter!

I see that smirk!
That boyish grin brightly boasting
behind that too damn old grizzled scheming beard.
Cheeky shit.
I’m totally blaming you, I hope you know.
And by blaming,
I mean thanking,
because I know it’s not by accident
you let your hand be seen.
Not all tricks are played in spite.
Sometimes fortune does favor
fools and babes
and me.
Wheels in motion tend to stay in motion
and I have seized this one the best that I could
under the circumstances
now rushing in crackling fervor
down a mountain of consequences
pondering if an eruption is better suited instead.

Fickle mercy.
The same hand that hints with nudges
could just the same plant me deep into irresistible fate.
Chaotic order.
I’m totally all in, I hope you know.
And by all in,
I mean making an “in”,
because I know coincidences missed
bear no fruit in the end.
Not all tricks are magic and arcane.
Sometimes fortune is naught but
the end of a round
of play.
Wheels at rest tend to stay at rest
and I have taken your gift the best that I could
to seek the hub
now crackling in electric fervor
across a field of quaking graves
waiting for an eruption to strike me dead.



