Tag: Hermes

  • Dream Journal: 2020-09-04

    The gold castle gleamed in the distance. The sun gave its offering of sunlight and in return the castle declared its splendor to all that would so much as glance at it. I sat on some rubble in the decrepit district and viewed the castle framed between two nearby apartment buildings that were in the…

  • Dream Journal: 2018-04-14.01

    I knew I was somewhere underground, somewhere lost in a large cave system, but I did not know which cave system or why I was here. So I obeyed the first rule of realizing you’re lost. I sat down.

  • Dream Journal: 2016-09-17.01

    “You’re going to have to face him eventually.” I went back to the last state I saw him in. I wondered if I should have gone full formal with Orphic hymns and ritual washing and proper preparation of a space that will never be properly clean no matter how close I cleave to traditional ways.

  • Dream Journal: 2016-09-16.01

    “You’re going to have to face him eventually.” It’s meditation time. Head is still too hyper for stillness, but a mantra keeps my focus well enough. A cold hand grips my right arm and pulls me to the side before I remember I’m physically alone in the room. I pull back. My arm slides through…

  • Dream Journal: 2016-09-12.01

    “You’re going to have to face him eventually.” “I know.” “Worried about what he’s gonna do?” “Worried if I’ll be asked to atone for more than my error. And by asked, I mean commanded. And by atone, I mean crushed.” “He’s fair. Friend to mankind, or so I’ve been told.” “He’s the Master Thief, the…

  • Dream Journal: 2015-11-05.01

    I watched from a distance, high upon a hill, as the shining god stood emotionless and still. His caduceus beckoning the wailing wisps to gather around him as moths to an electric lantern. The cloud of spirits were thick enough to obscure my sight, but still the caduceus could be seen through them all.

  • Dream Journal: 2015-06-22.01

    He could have cleansed the dirt and blood off his hands with a divine gesture of contempt, but that would not have stung me as much as the very physical and time-consuming method of wiping his hands with a towel. (Even though the towel never became filthy. Which in retrospect was also an insult.) “Feel…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-10-06.02

    It takes me a while to realize I am having a deep conversation about appearances, masks, expectations, and roles with the naked six-year-old boy with a golden sheen to his skin, sitting on a boulder so that we can face each other. His golden curled locks bounce when he nods to emphasize a point, and…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-02-04.01

    Weaver is set after the Golden Hind and finds some gods are as great a pain in the ass as their ass sparkles.634 words.

  • Dream Journal: 2013-05-19.02

    When I opened my eyes, I was on the Path of Vau. Snake was not with me. There was only me and the crowned and throned figure before me. His eyes were open. The whites of his eyes were like glowing silver. The iris was as dark as his throne, as dark as the bridge,…