Tag: naga

  • Dream Journal: 2015-08-25.01

    It was supposed to be a nice relaxing evening. A lazy one, where I could just close my eyes and float without getting entangled in any otherworld politics or having unexpected guests drop by. So when I felt the first tugs from a place I had not visited in a long while, I was intrigued,…

  • Disjointed Scenes: Undoing

    The Maelstrom was beautiful, hypnotic, and silent. I had just closed my eyes and found myself clutching to the side of a cliff. The ground was obscured by mist. Above me the fog churned in contemplation. I was being called someplace, and I was resisting. I knew if I allowed my fear to rise, it…

  • Cleaning & Warming

    Pair of professional cleaners at my house, helping me deal with something Dter had done in her room. It was an accident, but beyond my skill set to properly clean up. The reaction had drenched her bedspread, dresser, wall, and floor. I was able to quickly clean the mess from all but the floor, where…