Tag: Path of Teth

  • Path of Teth: Retrieving the Wand

    Sitting down and reviewing past events, I realize that I have been intentionally finding excuses not to go after the wand. Fear about dealing with angels. Fear about not being sure what I’ll find. Fear about the unknown in general. Fear about being wrong and that I’m just deluding myself. Fuck fear. If I do…

  • Quite Simple, Actually

    The other day I managed to break the script the Fearless Legion followed in welcoming (and ejecting) me from their realm. While their commander brought the encounter to its predictable end (and in a snap, at that), I did not leave empty handed. If I was going to go through the Warring Fields of Geburah…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-12-28.01

    For several weeks now I have been trying to access the Warring Fields of Geburah in an attempt to retrieve [the dream version of] my wand from the Path of Teth. Each time I entered the fields, I am quickly ejected by a series of fists greeting my face. Not this time.

  • Path of Teth update: 2014-12-21.01

    Every time I set out to get my [dream version of the] wand back from the Path of Teth, something always fucking happens, and I am either kicked out of the process or prevented from even starting in the first place. This post serves no other purpose than to profusely bitch about it while laughing because…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-11-10.01

    Mercury came for me, as threatened promised. I dressed formally but simply and was escorted to the Palace of Gold. The interior looked like a pretentious weaving of Imperial Rome, New York gaudiness, French extravagance, and the emptying of all the vaults in all the worlds. Gold. Midas would castrate himself just for a chamber…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-10-19.01

    Scene: Weaver’s private booth in the Café-on-Main. Weaver is drinking tea (WHUT!) while her boothmate is sipping from a bowl containing questionable liquids. It looks like frothy mud and smells like dirt. He is covered in swaths of saffron hued cloth. The cloth covers his face, obscuring him. He has just enough of his hands…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-10-14.01

    “Well…”, I said to myself last night. “Well, that wand isn’t coming back from the Path of Teth by itself. Enough being afraid of possible consequences, enough allowing other people’s words from distracting me. I’m going to go to Chesed, give my regards to Jupiter in whatever form he takes, and then go get my…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-09-12.02

    In my visions, the representation of planetary Jupiter, the Silent Harlequin, never speaks. If he appeared with Little Miss Gothic Lolita (planetary Saturn), he let her do all the talking. The Silent Harlequin, and later his messenger who wore my face but was not me, only spoke with tarot cards. Usually employing some slight of…

  • Dream Journal: 2014-08-07.01

    Things have been very slow over yonder. Some exploration, some introspection, but nothing intense. I described the lull as a Woo Hiatus. Yea, sure Weaver is running around with the magician’s coat but with a head of feathers, but then that’s just her two separate woo paths starting to (logically) converge. Since she’s officially neither,…