A Thorn By Any Other Name…

In much the same way the name I once called the Antler Crowned and Green Masked Figure by is not his name, so to are the markers and name I know a certain Broker of Information by, not his.

Both entities allowed me to use those names because it made it easier for me to communicate with them with, because I didn’t know better at the time and my ignorance was limiting what I could “see” of them.

And in much the same way that the AC&GMF still uses the symbolisms I am familiar with, so too will the broker continue to use the 36 crow motif because I have made that his symbol to me.

But I know now, he is not “Malphas”. Even though he will continue wearing the name and appearances for my benefit.

Who is this motherfucker? I have no fucking idea. Looking back through all of my diary entries (public and private) gives me no clue other than he used my ignorance to lead me to hang on him the identity of “Malphas”. He remains “interested” in my travels and stories, and still claims a desire to see me become “more myself”.

I asked him about the seals that were used in the City to ward against him when he came to visit. He said since I had written of him being “Malphas”, and his appearances hit all the expected tells for something called “Malphas”, why take the chance that he wasn’t? People react to threats as identified unless they are given countering information, so if my belief in him being “Malphas” was strong enough that I would expect such seals, then such seals would be what I would see.

“So now that this is settled, that you are not Malphas, what can I expect from you?”

“A lesson or two, if you are attentive enough.”

“I have a teacher or two already, I haven’t the arrogance to think I could take on another discipline when I haven’t even mastered the basics of what I thought I knew.”

“College students have up to eight teachers on a given day, and several more outside of school, what the hell makes you so special that you can’t do the same?”

… He’s still a sarcastic bitch regardless what name I know him by.



