Ask Keri: When is the book coming out?

A bibliophilic Anon asked: “When is the book coming out? You are going to put your dream writings into a book right? If not your dreams will you write a totes fictional book? Your short posts are like daily episodes and your long posts are movies!”

No book in the works! I’m archiving them for myself, that’s about it. I’ve tried writing pure fiction. I suck at it. Fiercely.

Movies, eh? Great. ~rolls eyes~ ~much mirth~ You know what that means. Now I’m going to have folks trying to cast the characters, and trying to launch ships all up in it. (The voice of the Old Man of the Mountain: Sean Connery. But Hiddleston is NOT Loki. Some of you know why that is a bad fit for me. Y’all go ahead and cast the rest.)

Maybe, as my writing improves (and a few classes), I’ll try a pure 85% fiction book. But not for NaNoWriMo. We’ll see.



