Category: A Different Way

  • By A Thread

    Migraine time again. So many images sweeping me up into a vortex of cacophonic assaults of light and movement. Many of them, nothing but misfirings of stressed neurons. Something to chuckle at, then discard like a Facebook opinion. But two days after one image in particular, I keep finding my attention drawn back to it.

  • Odds & Ends

    I have the itch to write, and naught a topic to write about. I’ve been sitting at the keyboard, staring dumbly at the screen to no avail. I do have some ideas to ramble on about, but none of them will have the length I am accustomed to. Maybe I should have made a Tumbler.

  • Lose Some, Gain Some

    His hand was open the entire time. Twas my fear that kept me bound. I lose a name, and gain myself. It wasn’t that long ago, I openly came out and publicly admitted I am a Lokean. Twas a label I had been actively avoiding since Loki grabbed me and caught me in his snare.

  • Then It Hit Me

    “So you feel disconnected from everything? Like you have no place where you belong? Start with your back yard! Connect with the land. It will teach you what to do.” A frequent response to my lament of losing old support structures and being unsure of new ones. My formal rejection of Christianity made me vulnerable.

  • The Maddening

    Such longing it drives me to barely restrained sighs that conceal the depths of trembling pain in my bones

  • Audacious

    This is your place. Sit here. Sit there. Sit at my feet and hold them. No. I will stand.

  • It Gnaws At Me

    I’m bothered. I can’t tell the difference between the past and the future. The direction the imagery in my dreams and journeys has taken is quite severe. But I can handle that. What’s unsettling is I’m seeing something like that connected with a person I know. And the implications are dire.

  • An Unsettling Answer

    This morning, I gave an honest answer to what I suppose is a hypothetical question. It’s a question I face every morning, every evening, and every time my family reminds me of what my true worth to them. It’s an answer that is not politically correct. I’m told it is not medically correct either. It’s…

  • Forgotten

    I have forgotten

  • Yes, It Is.

    “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” “The older a person gets, the more set they are in their ways.” “A leopard can’t change its spots.” “You can’t change the fundamental parts of yourself, the harder you try, the more you stay the same.” “It’s just a phase you’re going through, just ride it out…