
The crumbs are hardening on the plate. I’m actually watching the moist smears harden.

The wine has warmed. I’d pour more, but I’ve made enough of a stain on the table already.

The paper lays pristine, flat, and unblemished. It is surrounded by a multitude of crumpled paper balls that I am too upset to even attempt to throw away.

The broken pencil pieces are scattered, somewhere, over there. The pen I chose to use in its stead mocks me. The ink flowing so freely while I struggle to even think of what language is.

Fuck. It’s just an afternoon dalliance. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard! Why is this so hard?


Oh hell.

At least the ink compliments the wine.


Inspired by, and written (agonizingly) for Sunday Scribbles #285: Easy





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