I have tasted gods.
By their behest and by mine.
With full consent and with full force.
Of his, of hers, of its, and of nothing.
I have tasted gods.
And found some easier to sup than others.
Some harder to swallow than others.
And some of no substance at all.
I have tasted gods.
Stealing crumbs from unwelcome tables.
Given secret portions at darkened doors.
Forcibly fed until I hurl and forcibly fed again.
I have tasted gods.
And have found none that satisfy the hunger they mock.
What I crave won’t be found in anything so little as divinity.
But it won’t be found in anything blasphemous, either.
I have tasted gods.
And found them not enough.
If all creation and created can not fill me,
No wonder I am just a little hungry.