Journal: 2020-10-03

I didn’t have to do this last working in the series. The book I was following said I didn’t have to do this. Completely optional and actually advised to be skipped for beginners to this series such as myself. No need to touch Saturn. At. All.

Everything I have experienced in my life thus far said otherwise.

For the previous workings I attempted to stay as true to the book as I could get. Which wasn’t very close at all. I have been missing a large number of the “optional” items and what I did have would probably land me in a pontificator’s discouraging crosshairs again. However, until this working, I did not add anything not called for in the book.

But this was for the sphere of Saturn, so of course I wore the Crossed Ring.

As much as I wanted to perform this rite on the balcony, I remained true to the pattern I have established for this series and used the same setup in the same room as the other six rites. By now I have already noted what to change when I repeat this series and what items was worth working and/or paying for to obtain.

The time came for observance of the seal. I looked down at the crystal and the seal. A flash above me caught my attention.

I looked up into a midnight sky with a single point of light resting comfortably in my sight high in the dark sky. The vision removed me completely from my room. The ring on my finger felt impossibly light as if it were not for being worn, it would be rising into infinity.

«Well done. You have completed this step but there is still much work to be completed.»

I nodded. This I knew and was not surprised to hear the confirmation. What I wasn’t sure about was if this was a reference to work already begun or work yet to be accepted.

«You have been shown a deficiency in your life, one that you are capable of curing and have access to tools that can assist you. You have been shown that because of this deficiency, you are not able to care for your kingdom in the manner that best governs it. I shall now tell you the consequence if you continue as you have done and without changing yourself to care for what you have been placed over.»

«If you do not restore what has withered, then not only will those fields become barren, but the very boundaries of your realm will retract to fit what you are willing to work on and the potential of those lost fields will become someone else’s domain to sow and reap. There is no promise that you will be able to recover them should you recover yourself. Even if you expand your realm in other ways, you risk an unrecoverable loss. Do you understand?»

I did. Though I did not want to admit it, I understood completely. I have watched this same process happen with others and knew that I was vulnerable to it as well. Still hurt to be told so bluntly. “I do. How do I hold on to what I have now so that I can be in place for expansion later?”

«Face her. Listen to her. Sit with her. Heal yourself. Recover what has been buried there and take back what has been stolen from you so you may govern what is yours from a level seat.»

I was told nothing new. What was new was my willingness to hear it.

More words and understanding descended from the single star in this infinite sky. My ring buzzed on my finger with each syllable. I looked down at my hand to verify the ring was still present.

I looked up at the candle dancing before me. The vision had ended and all was as it was before.

I closed the rite and recorded my notes. I knew what I had to do, but following through was going to take time. I had no idea what recovery would look like and how deep would magic be involved in clearing the way.

All I knew is that I had taken another step forward in my life as a magician and in my life in general. I knew I would be working through this series again in the future, but probably not for at least another three months. There are other matters I have to settle in the immediate future and as a preparation for a long term goal.

One of the things I was told that needed to be changed if I wanted to achieve my long term goal is to “Stop Hiding”. My rebuttal then was that I didn’t need to hide if I wasn’t known in the first place. Their counter was that I wasn’t known because I wasn’t presenting myself.

It is because of that and similar discussions that I have posted about my first forays into Seven Spheres by Rufus Opus. It is a small book but it is a pointed book and I am glad to have it.

A green book with a gold frame and symbol sit askew on a white paper with some Hebrew letters. The paper is askew in the opposite direction of the book. The book's title is "Seven Spheres".



