Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-29.02

    I was wandering the streets of a neglected city. I knew I wasn’t at The City, but that I was wandering the shadows of a physical town somewhere. I heard a crying, a muffled whimpering, and it was drawing me through the blinded streets. Dawn and dusk at the same time, I walked freely in…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-29.01

    “Did you bring rum?” The Rummer’s voice brought my attention full to the fire. The prairie scrub around us was dry and brittle. The slightest movement raised puffs of dust. I never tried ‘bringing’ a bottle. I called to mind one of my favorites, a strong dark rum with a distinctive bottle. I closed my…

  • Ask Keri: What Are You Talking About?

    A “not rude at all” Anon asked: “I get lost in your blog posts for hours but I must admit I thought I’d pick it up by now and have not – what exactly are you talking about? That seems so much ruder than I intend, honestly your blog is one of my favourites but…

  • Spirit Journal: 2012-10-28.01

    Been bouncing back and forth all day if to write this up. It’s not anywhere near as entertaining dramatic as the other two dreams, but it marks a shift in the house dynamics. The Bastards in the attic got on my Last Nerve last night. I don’t remember clearly what set me off, only that…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-28.01

    The elders, bishops, and Head Bastards In Charge of the multitude of missionaries I had pissed off over the years by refusing their “advances” at my door descended upon my house. They banged the door, rang the bell, and loudly demanded I present myself to answer for the evils I have foisted upon their humble…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-27.01

    The Nagalands. Deeply red and gasping orange leaves fall gently around me. The low clouds obscure the canopy. It’s chilly but I am not cold. I’m on the rough worn trail that leads to the granite boulder. I can hear the swelling river nearby. Other than the leaves, there is no movement. I appear to…

  • Contradictions

    “Because you’ve become someone distinct to me. Maybe I’ve gotten used to you. I’m certainly not afraid of you anymore.” The burdens were gone and a sudden tiredness was pulling me deeper. “Because there’s ‘Ravenwoman’ the role, and ‘Ravenwoman’ the person. And even though you’re still quite the snide bitch, you’re not that bad a…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-25.01

    The letter to the Envoy was short and sweet and many more words than what I left for others in the wake of the letter-borne attack at the Condo.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-24.01

    “Usually I have to drag you kicking and screaming to try something new.” Snake crouched behind the fire. “You realize once it starts, you won’t remember anything that follows.”

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-23.01

    The Nightmare grabbed me from behind and pulled me into an inky darkness. Whispering violent promises of brutal acts on my body and mind, with its free hand it kept clawing into my side just hard enough to leave marks. I said nothing.

Got any book recommendations?