Search results for: “feed”

  • Dream Journal: 2013-06-29.01

    Weaver goes to a casino and finds herself in the middle of a game. After breaking one game, she leaves and finds herself before a Reaper of Men and is sent off with a cat. 3,918 words.

  • A Game of War

    “What’s your game, Esse?” The mead was finally making me warm.“Game?”“You don’t dedicate resources without a payoff to be had. This is very much a Weaver problem. You don’t have to investigate.”“It is, as you say, a game.” He raised his horn. “I could use the amusement.”I rolled my eyes. “Ass.”He smiled, a genuine gesture.…

  • A Sacrificed Heart

    “Do you know where this is?” She gestures around her. “No.” I look around and see the ruins of something like Aztec pyramids. Some of the carvings I can sort out. Renditions of feathered snake skulls are everywhere. I see glyphs of priests in regalia and draped with various skins including human. I also see…

  • Sour Wine

    “Did you have anything to eat?” “Finger food. A micron thin slice of meat, a micron thin slice of cheese, a wafer thinner than paper, and enough garnish to choke a horse.” “And then the wine? Finish off that bowl before you answer.” 2,060 words.

  • A Farewell Kiss

    Where Keri finds out at last what everyone else already knew about her. Again. And in doing so, realizes there is no one she can trust. Not even herself. 2,867 words.

  • Dream Journal: 2013-06-12.01

    Is it really a trap when you want the outcome? A dialogue between Weaver and her captor. 310 words.

  • Dream Journal: 2013-06-05.01

    “You mention being suddenly aware of the multitude of divination devices around you in the Waking. Have you considered you are also suddenly acquiring ancestral spirits?” Snake turned the statue slightly, squaring it with the shelf. “She’s not…” “Nearly every European, and Americans of European descent, can trace a genetic lineage to Charlemagne.” “And Africa…

  • A Raven’s Mercy

    The clatter of bones from beyond the mounds told me I wasn’t the only bipedal creature headed somewhere. The further I went, the more quiet the ravens with me, and the more heavy the air was. This was definitely a formal affair I was going to. If I wasn’t already in the Boneyard, I’d say…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-05-31.01

    “Is that all it takes to make you think you are worth something to me?” Kir regarded me with kir large eye. “I use you. I taught you how to use this place, for what you cast off feeds my plants. Even now, as you are lying there on the stone, my plants take from…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-05-28.01

    The box was waiting for me at the lair. Snake was not amused by its presence. It trembled every now and then from something within. “Livestock? Here? At least the wyrm is taking care of itself, but a chicken?” I opened the cardboard box to find just that. A black chicken. It looked up at…