Tag: Abyss

  • The Cave and the Cathedral

    I don’t know why I feel like I’m saying ‘goodbye’ for the last time to Snake. Why I feel like I’m going to my death. As if regardless if I am successful and able to answer Lord Asmodel’s summons or not, I will be irrevocably changed and the Weaver that returns will be nothing like…

  • Ask Keri: You see, but you do not understand.

    Q: I have to admit I agree with Snake. You have said so yourself in some places: You see, but you do not understand, and did you not say in one of your earlier posts about crossing the abyss being linked to finding yourself? From what I can see you tend to only pay attention…

  • Patient Blasphemy

    “Why are you here?” “Asmodel.” A sudden brightness pours over me. I suddenly feel flesh and air and clothes and cold stone bruising my knees and Snake standing behind me and beads in my hands. I look up to see the throne and the one seated on the throne is gone. The podium remains however.…