Tag: bees

  • Dream Journal: 2015-07-28.01

    A trio of mages are tired of everyone’s shit and decide they are going to take over the world. Instead of using money and/or spirits, they manage to get control of some beehives and create a mind control venom. Get stung by a bee? Become one of their drones.

  • Dream Journal: 2014-09-06.01

    Dreamt someone had beehives in a shelter. The shelter and everything in it was dedicated to Persephone. There were little gold things and lots of crafted things but most everything in the shelter was functional and used in the fields surrounding the shelter.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-09-14.01

    I didn’t know I was dreaming. There were no initial tells to let me know I was still in bed. As I walked down the hall, the sunlight streamed through open windows, the breeze played around my legs, and I saw my parents in the kitchen with all the lights on. It’s a normal lazy…

  • Lexicon: Bees

    My emphasis on bees in the preamble of the previous post has caused a bit of confusion. Was “Mother” a bee? No. She appeared as a mutant mix of spider, beetle, and praying mantis. And while she is definitely a hive queen, she is no bee. If anything, her behavior was more wasp related. What…