Tag: Gardenmaster

  • A Little Weeding

    It’s been a long while since I was in the waters of the Gardenmaster. It took me a while after my waking world move to reconnect with many of the dream world denizens who had kept faith that I would be able to escape the circumstances that kept threatening to drown me. But here I…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-05-31.01

    “Is that all it takes to make you think you are worth something to me?” Kir regarded me with kir large eye. “I use you. I taught you how to use this place, for what you cast off feeds my plants. Even now, as you are lying there on the stone, my plants take from…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-06.01

    So late with my dream post. The day has been that good.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-16.01

    The pond was cool enough for me to appreciate it, but not so cold that I started to shiver. The Gardenmaster held me in its tentacle-like roots firmly. I never noticed until this dream, the sky is a muffled shade of yellow here.