Tag: Path of Ayin
Departure from the Path of Ayin
I have been braced for conflict from the moment I set foot upon this contradictory landscape. It is night upon the Path of Ayin, and once Mercury went into retrograde, the way back became blocked with deliberate darkness. I could either wait out the astrological event and sit on the side of the road, or…
Postcard from the Path of Ayin
To paraphrase the inquiry in my inbox… “Y U NO UPDATE PATH OF AYIN POSTS?!” Because…
Quick Notes on the Path of Ayin
Some quick notes on the Path of Ayin and some information that stands out to me about it. All bitching is being saved up for when walking the path itself.
Unseen. For now.
It has been several weeks since I dedicated myself to exploring the sphere of Mercury on my admittedly stolen and shamelessly bastardized Tree of Life. I paid for my insolence by having several comforting lies taken from me and many uncomfortable truths revealed. Chief among those falsehoods was the idea that all that happens in…