Tag: Saturn

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-29.02

    Ink color only matters if it matters. When does it matter? That depends on your perspective.181 words.

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-29.01

    Little Miss Saturn pontificates while Jupiter zooms by up to some shit. Later Weaver’s desire is confirmed.474 words.

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-28.01

    Little Miss Saturn reminds Weaver of her diary. Why is it so important to write things down when they all turn out to be bullshit anyway?486 words.

  • Dream Denizen: Saturn (planetary)

    A close friend of mine, I call him “Pharoah” here, formally introduced me to invoking the planets two years ago. I completely dismissed the idea because of my lack of magickal experience. Didn’t invoking planetary powers require all sorts of props, preparations, and solitude? I lacked all three. He corrected my errors and showed me…