Tag: snake

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-28.01

    It felt like as soon as my head hit the pillow in the Waking, I wake up face down in the lair in the Dreaming. Lying on the pallet that serves as my bed. I smell blood. Lifting my head I note my back is burdened by wings. The wings are mine, but the shape…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-16.02

    No. I didn’t get to visit the Svartalf last night. I dunno if to laugh, cry, or start throwing shit. After the tumblr dream I went back to bed. Snake was waiting for me in the lair. He said I had a choice. I could either set out and try for the Svartalf again, or…

  • Another Reason Not To Settle In The City

    And by best friend (in the Dreaming), I mean a pan-species Snake that can be as short as my forearm, and as long as fifty feet. He could probably get bigger, but I really don’t want to be around to see why. He can take on the form of a tattoo for those times he…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-29.01

    Dreams without drama! Ah. Mostly without drama anyway. Making the rounds, I had a puppy in tow. Except I know what ke is, and ke ain’t a babe, and ke ain’t harmless, and ke ain’t cute. I called kir out and ke changed shape into an adult Cerberus. “No. I know what you are and…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-09.01

    I have two dresses to my name, and the dress I wore in the dream is not one of them. Oh well, it is a special occasion. A friend is stopping by for coffee at the cafe. I suppose I could wear a dress this time, if for no other reason than to turn heads.…

  • Disjointed Scenes: Undoing

    The Maelstrom was beautiful, hypnotic, and silent. I had just closed my eyes and found myself clutching to the side of a cliff. The ground was obscured by mist. Above me the fog churned in contemplation. I was being called someplace, and I was resisting. I knew if I allowed my fear to rise, it…

  • Breaking The Chain

    Suddenly, I felt a shift around me, and saw I was in the lair I shared with Snake. Of course. This is “home” in the Dreaming, after all. A reptilian tongue licked at the air around me. I turned to see Snake in a new anthropomorphic form. This new shape resembles Egyptian depictions. I’m hoping…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-02-18.01

    Keri is sick so Weaver is supposed to be taking it easy. Define “easy”.423 distracting words.

  • Skin Deep

    We were sitting side by side, my friend and I, watching the campfire outside my lair in silent contentment. He was playing around with his latest trick, and unnerving me completely in the process. He teased me about it, noting that only his appearance had changed, so why was I upset? I turned to try…

  • The Fledgling

    I entered the dream walking from the wilderness to the fire before my lair. I was looking forward to getting some sleep and wanted my mind to be as comfortable as my sleeping body in my room. I was met at the fire by Snake, who had been on his own adventures and was resting…