Tag: You Crazy

  • Burning The Jersey

    I’ll talk about myself until the sun sets, rises, and sets again. But when talking of someone else, I am hesitant. Even more so when death is involved. I have wondered if I should put this post behind the password wall. Or even if I should post it publicly at all. The identity of the…

  • Why I Magic: Dream & (Lots of) Exposition

    I’ve been meaning to write about how I play at magic, but various mental dams and iceblocks keep tripping me up. So instead of writing the “how”, instead, I’ll write the “why”. Magic for me has always been about control. Not control of other people. Not control of the dipshits and numbnuts that seem to…

  • Dream: Best Laid Plans, Part 2 of 2

    Rigson starts verbally describing what Jack is adding to the “circle”. Inaudibly, I start laying down my own wards and protections. First I lay down a series of runes around me, mostly consisting of Ehwaz and a few others in repetition. A sudden inspiration forces me to call Elhaz as well, but not to protect…

  • Dream: Best Laid Plans, Part 1 of 2

    Names have been changed, some details altered and/or omitted… Besides, it’s only a dream. Much to do today, so here is part one of what I dreamt the early morning of November 10, 2010.

  • Dream: Lions, oh my!

    The neighborhood dogs are making quite the racket this morning. Whatever is in the street, they are not too happy about. Alerting to an intruder, I better at least look out the window to see what they are protesting today. Why, look. There are a pair of lionesses in the street. Wait, what? “Mom! MOM!…