Dream Journal: 2014-04-01.02

Ahh. Bed time. I get the little thin bundle and snuggle down under thick comfy covers. Wait. A bundle?

It’s my wand. Wrapped up in certain cloths for safekeeping and protection. Not something I would take to bed.

Unless I’m dreaming. Which I am.

Okay. Wouldn’t be the first item in my influence that takes on a level of sentience. I cuddle the bundle and chuckle about dreaming about going to bed.

The bundle squirms. It’s a thin stick, better not cuddle too tight or I’ll break it. It squirms even more.

I unfold one end and a thin, small snake emerges from the cloths. Its head is marked with a feature from the wand. It is the same thickness as the wand, and the same base hues. The delicate head moves so the flickering tongue tickles my nose and lips.

It is so adorable I forget about all my misanthropy for a while.

I dote on it and squee and forget I’m a serious magic practitioner for a while. A deep yawn reminds me how tired I am. “Right. If that’s what you are then that’s what you are. Hunker down. Deep sleep time.”

The wand snake retreats back into the bundle of cloths and coils in the crux of my arms. I tucked the cloths under my chin and dreamed of sleeping.



