Dream Journal: 2015-04-12.01

The hawk-headed god was strangely soft in his request. “I know this is unusual, but would you hold on to the deceased for a while before escorting the deceased to the Passage of the Dead? There is a complication that must be resolved.”

I was not here on assignment, but had been pulled here by an unknown source. I noted his headdress and saw it had been muted in color by a black covering. I was not supposed to identify him so I did not trust what I was seeing.

The funeral proceedings were coming to a close. The mourners, all dressed in black, huddled around the body and began to whimper. They were keeping the deceased’s soul in the embalmed flesh.

“It is unusual if you are here. What is the price of my involvement? And who shall pay my fee?”

The hawk-headed god nodded before speaking. He had expected my answer. “He will be in your care until [his heart is delivered for judgment]. Your fee will be paid then.”

Something was wrong. I touched the deceased’s exposed toe and felt his body ring incomplete. “Where is his heart? Even if he was an organ donor, his spirit would have the [heart of his soul].”

“Claimed to be destroyed, most likely hidden well.” A deep masculine voice spoke from the nearby shadows. Without turning to verify, I recognized the jackal-headed god.

“Then I will be his jailor until his trial.”


“What are you not telling me?”

A second god emerged from the shadows to stand beside the jackal-headed god. I did not recognize what animal he is identified with and questioned if it was a physical animal at all.

“He will try to steal your [heart of your soul] to use as his when the time comes. He has tried such while alive. It would be wise to assume he will try with you.”

When the strange god spoke, I felt red. His voice sounds the way the color red feels. It wasn’t hostile or aggressive. It just was. Red as smoked paprika and left the same kind of dusty aftertaste on the tongue.

I felt a pull on my finger that was still resting on the exposed foot. My reasoning finally caught up with the evidence. “He summoned me here, probably part of a prearranged funereal ritual. He summoned me here as part of his plan to avoid the weighing of his heart, to force his rebirth too soon, or some attempt at apotheosis. And because of how he did it, you guys can’t touch him until I yield him. And no heart means an incomplete [soul body] which means his trial can’t begin. No trial, no judgment, no devouring.”

The hawk-headed god nodded. The jackal-headed god crossed his arms while his associate giggled.

I lifted my finger from the exposed foot.

“I decline this assignment. Let him be taken as is fitting for his faith. I have seen the wandering of the incomplete. Somehow I doubt there will be anyone working to restore him this time. He brought this on himself. Let him deal with it.”

The strange-headed god shrieked into peals of laughter and rubbed his hands together in glee. The jackal-headed god nodded in solemn approval of my decision. The hawk-headed god remained stoic.

“Have you any further questions for me, gentlemen?”

The strange-headed god stopped laughing and shook his head, still smiling. The jackal-headed god patted me on the head gently as he walked past me to begin his work.

The hawk-headed god blinked and I knew that was the closest to a physical gesture of gratitude I would get from him. “Thank you for participating. This was highly unusual however it will resolve as it should, I’m sure now. You may go.”

I bowed my respects to all three gods then left them to their work.



