Dream Journal: 2015-05-22.01

The face markings have changed, and it took him reminding me about the prohibition of using his to make me notice. I almost panicked at the realization. (Much to his amusement.) I tried to force them to go back to what I had been wearing these past several years, back to what I was used to, but they would not stay no matter how hard I pressed the old markings into place.

I finally understood that the face markings were never about identifying me to others. They were not a record of where I have been like the other marks that cover my [spirit] body. These marks were about identifying my self tomyself. What I saw was not what others saw. And indeed, very few could see the marks even when I wanted to show them.

I have changed.

I do not understand completely what the markings mean. I have an idea that it is a language in its own right, but who would read it? Who could explain it? I guess that is still for me to discover.

I do understand one thing, for [certain types of woo], I am to wear those markings on my physical body. Color and texture of what I use will be just as important as where I place it. Again, it will not be for me to explain to others.

It is about marking myself as my self.

And so it goes.



