Dream Journal: 2016-04-06.01

What does the World want? Everything.

I do call myself a tarot reader, and I did remember that standing before the indistinct form of the spirit. But that was an answer to a question I didn’t ask.

I wanted to know what did this particular spirit want particularly from me? And while the answer to that question was the same on paper, “everything”, the implementation of that answer was the difference between master and servant.

I went back and presented myself for examination. To the World’s dismay, that meant not revealing a damn thing to it.

“Show me!”


“I will not yield until you have revealed all of yourself to me!”

“You will yield, and without anything more than what I have already given you.”

“By what right! By what power! I am The World! I am the capstone and the foundation! I am the power upon which the others rest. And I…”

I held up a manifestation of the physical card. The action silenced the angry spirit.  “And you, along with your other twenty-one brethren, are beholden to me. Y’all came to me and asked me to be your king. It’s a little late to ribbit your way out of the deal. I know what your negative effect will be, and I am prepared to wrestle with that this week and turn it to my advantage in a few other spheres of my life. But I will not be bullied by my servant.”

Behind the World, I saw the spokes-spirit of the deck watching silently and without expression. Other deck spirits were visible or showed their attention in just enough of a manner that I knew I was being watched.

“You are a World. Not the World. And while I commend you for remaining true to your brethren, and seeking to protect them through turbulent times, you are not the force that encapsulates me.”

“However, you wanted an examination. Here I am. You wanted to know if I have the presence of mind to take control of my fate, of my immediate environment, and of the responsibilities for what may come as a result of my actions. And that is a good question to ask.”

“My answer is ‘Yes’.”

“My question to you, now, is are you going to yield to me now, or do I have to break you? I am not afraid of the chaos you can bring. I have been unmade by it, have been reshaped by it, and can ride it out again on a moment’s notice. The Tower does not want y’all to be misused. What is it that you ask of me, as your master?”

Despite not having a face, or any features by which to display emotion, I knew the World was smiling.

“Keep us together. We may be split up for the tasks you may have, but we are whole in our divisions. Keep us together. Throw not one of us away.”

I hung the tarot card in mid air between us, with the card facing me. Gently, I tapped the middle of that face.

“As you wish.”

The World spirit dissolved and flowed into the manifestation of the physical card. The face changed into something not quite like the physical deck the card was pulled from, and not quite like the way the spirit showed itself to me.

The indwelling completed, I took the card and placed it in the box that suddenly appeared in my hand. I expected to see the Tower card inside, but it was stuck to the exterior of the box.

I looked towards the spokes-spirit. “I haven’t claimed the Tower, have I.”

“No, you haven’t. You merely faced its potential and passed its test.”

“But I have claimed the World.”

“Yes. You have recognized the scope of what we can do in your life.”

“Then, I am beginning at the end.” The spokes-spirit nodded. “I thought dealing with the Tower was too easy. My rage is much more destructive than flatulences of hot air and cruel words.”

“This is not much different than my runs on that bastardized Tree. Except y’all are going to focus on my interior, while the Tree is about exterior forces. Not saying the timing is suspect, but the timing is suspect as hell. Are you ever going to tell me who sent you to me? I mean, with millions and millions of human beings, why me?”

The spokes-spirit said nothing, but hid her face behind her emblem.

“Okay. We’ll get to that when I get to you. Right now, I have other trials to prepare for.”

I passed through the portal and departed the dream.


