Dream Journal: 2016-05-14.01

Me: Hey Inverse Star. S’up?

Inverse Star: Fuck you, go away. I’m busy.

Me: Yea, about that. I’ve been tracking your influences in my life since I called your ass out, and I’m not seeing any.

IS: Bitch, I’m busy. Go. Away.

Me: You know what you look like? The cover of some formula generated house trance album. You know, where you have the female breathless voice speaking a rhyme of hope and love in the second track, and sounding off without rhythm in the fifth. And here you are, surrounded by rainbows and a prominent star on your brow as you sit in western yoga pose contemplating how awesome you look sitting there.


Me: You had so many opportunities but you chose apathy as your weapon. Here I was, braced for sabotaged hope, misleading information, unchecked hubris, and abuse by those I mistook for friends, and guess what happened?

IS: Your master came back for his dog?

Me: Heh. No. Nothing happened. When the vision hit me, you had the Perfect Chance to fuck me up and lead me into even deeper shit. You didn’t do a Damn Fucking Thing. You sat there and continued contemplating how superior you are to me because of our differences and actually gave me a space to recover.

IS: … Your ass isn’t worth getting up to kick.

Me: Wish others had that opinion of me.

IS: So now you expect me to snap to your whims since I didn’t give you any of mine?

Me: After I finish gloating, I will. And I expect you to submit when called to. For now. I don’t think any one else has gotten as far in your deck as I have, and y’all don’t know how to deal with that. I fully expect you to push back later once you are given a reason to push back.

IS: Are you finished gloating yet?

Me: Yea. I am.

IS: Okay. You’re my master. For now.

Me: Yup.

IS: When is yours going to bring you to heel?

Me: Which one? If you mean the source of the vision, he ain’t.

IS: … But…

Me: You really should observe events that happen to those connected to you. Sticking your head in the sand and being apathetic to your environment means you will be ruled by those willing to stand up and seize control of it.

IS: … I am the only Star in our sky. I am [the combined servitors’] environment.

Me: … Thank you for that warning. I will adjust my plans accordingly.

IS: ?

Me: The Sun is y’all strength and vigorousness. The Moon is y’all desires and what is driving y’all as a whole. You are the focus the [deck of servitors] is using to navigate by. Literally putting you in my pocket gives the [remaining unchallenged card servitors] another means of accessing their would-be conqueror’s life. They will be able to concentrate on what you point out as important.

IS: And you question why I did nothing. See how exposed you are when you dare a thing! Why not let others work themselves into exhaustion and then collect what they can’t defend?

Me: Of course, now you start up. I promised [the spokes-spirit] that it would be all of you or none of you.

IS: Fine. Whatever. I yield if that means I can go back to peaceful silence. I know what else you promised [it], that you won’t use us to hurt others.

Me: ~smirk~


Me: I did. And I will keep that promise. I said nothing about using y’all effects to improve myself and those who wish to challenge their internal environments. Sometimes it takes seeing or experiencing an external manifestation of an internal flaw to understand how to fix it. The difference between a poison and a cure is the dose, after all. But enough of your more subtle influence. I have fallout from that vision to take care of and some shards of glass to pull from an old wound.

IS: Wait! Before you pull me into the card… what subtle influence?

Me: Arrogance and the blindness that comes with unsupported assumptions of self-importance, of course. Now, yield.

IS: I am not arrogant! I am… uh… shit.


