Dream Journal: 2016-07-22.01

I dreamt I helped many people find their proper doors and pass through them, but I could not find mine.

A one-eyed man came in a one way door from the wrong side. I thought he wanted to find his proper door, so I started searching. After letting me founder for a bit, he admitted he did not need “that work” from me and asked me why wasn’t I going though my own door instead of following other people through theirs.

“I don’t know what my door looks like. So maybe if I follow other folks long enough, I’ll find mine.”

“Does wearing other people’s shoes make your feet conform to theirs?”

“Of course not.”

“Then why are you in their footsteps?”

Behind him, a black door appeared shrouded by shadow. He opened it but did not step through. “You have opened doors for other people. I open one for you. Would you know more?”

Though I could not see through the passageway, I heard [a familiar sound].

I meant to step through but the dream ended the moment I willed to move.



