Dream Journal: 2016-11-21.01

Harlequin dragged my ass back to the night club. When I realized where I was at, I found I had already claimed one of the upper floor booths to sulk in.

“Come down! Have some fun! You need to lighten up a bit!”

My response started and ended with two familiar words. “Fuck you.”

They materialized above the neighboring chair and landed in a smirking pose. “This is a No Grump Zone. Come down.”

“Bitch, no. Also, fuck you and your hat.”

They propped their head on their hands as their elbows shook the table. “Are you still mad at what happened?”

“No. I’m confused as hell at what happened. I’m confused at what happened after. I’m confused why I had to make that shit public. And I’m tired of these damn games.”

They leaned back in the chair. “Then come down. Forget about this for a while. Be part of the troupe for a dance or two.”

“Harlequin, you’re up to some shit. I just haven’t figured it out yet. This place is a damn nexus point and I never can tell who you are working for at any particular moment. Like now. I’m leaving.”

I stood up and Harlequin disappeared. Thinking the night was effectively over, I turned to the upper floor exit and walked purposefully towards it.

I didn’t notice the drum beat matching my striding gait until the beat changed and my gait changed with it. The rhythm turned and I turned with it.

Harlequin came forward and covered my face with their hat.

When I came to, I was sitting at a lower floor table. My unobscured face was striped with tears and snot. They were placing a damp cloth in my hand and a glass of water on the table. Dust from the dirt floor covered me.


I became angry because I did feel better. I have no bloody idea what happened but I felt lighter somehow. I wiped my face and searched for words to properly express how fucking livid I was at being dragged into trance against my will.

“Yea.” Some shit I just have to let go, I guess.

Harlequin nodded. “Good. Now get out. You have to get ready for work.”

And just like that, I was kicked out the dream.



