Ask Keri: Could Dance If You Want To?

Anon asked curiously: “The dances you do in your dreams sound more real than dream. Could you dance them in real life? If you could, would you record it?”

If by “more real than dream”, you mean “I’m constrained to the same physical limits as I am in the Waking”, then you are 80% correct. Once leaping starts, however, all bets are off. Because wings.

Yes, I could dance them in real life, or rather, make the same movements. I hesitate to call those waking world movements a dance, however, because there is a lot more to the “dance” than just physical movement. Ever watch a professional dancer at rehearsal? Say… a ballet dancer. You hear the clunk of his feet against the studio floor. You might hear him fart as he leaps off the floor. He moves, but that’s all he does. It’s just movement. His heart is not in it. He’s just mimicking steps. There’s no magic.

And then you go see him perform on stage with his troupe. The music begins, they take their places. He is in costume and the lights are placed just so to highlight him. He repeats all the same movements you watched him do at rehearsal, but now it’s magic. Now, there’s power. Now, it’s a dance.

You could drape sheets over me to mimic the weight and drape of the feathers. You can have me shuffling in the bare dirt in the middle of the night. But it would all be an empty rehearsal. Just movement, and confusing movement at that.

And that’s half the reason why even though I could perform the steps, I will not record it. What the camera sees is not the important part.

The other half of the reason why I will not record any of the Dreaming dances, is because these are my Mysteries. If you are to know them, you’ll dream them yourself.




