Category: Dream

  • Dream: Just Another Face

    I was in the dverg’s chamber again. It is really a chamber he had made for me, a gift of sorts. He had first brought me here when he taught me a healing sleep during a migraine. He calls it my chamber, I call it his chamber. Laying on the dirt bed, I was shivering…

  • Dream: Whose Leash?

    Been sitting on this all day. A long day to wait. A short writeup to hammer out. A good beer to assuage my self with. As the dream starts, I have everything under control. Every. Thing. My job, my coworkers, my family, my peers, my servitors, the spirits that speak to me in dreams, everything.…

  • Dream: Lions, oh my!

    The neighborhood dogs are making quite the racket this morning. Whatever is in the street, they are not too happy about. Alerting to an intruder, I better at least look out the window to see what they are protesting today. Why, look. There are a pair of lionesses in the street. Wait, what? “Mom! MOM!…

  • Dream: Man or Mouse

    I knew I was asleep the moment I opened my eyes in the darkness. I did not go gently into the Dreaming, it was quite the tumultuous ride. I was wary but did not feel I could force myself awake right away. I knew I had to wait it out. The floor beneath me was…

  • Vision: Behind Door #1

    (This vision was experienced October 2007. It has remained with me to this day and has been a pivotal event. How greatly different would my life had been, if I chose not to open Door #1.) Long live lazy Saturday afternoons! And what a delightful afternoon this particular one was. Partly cloudy, cool, quiet. My…

  • Dream: One Last Thing

    (I really, really need a better journaling system. Really.) He had already wrung me inside and out. I was sitting exhausted and spent on the ground next to where he stood. He walked around me slowly, examining me with a smirk. “One last thing before you go.” I hadn’t the strength to even look up…

  • Dream: Sleeping in the Dirt

    “You don’t look too well. You’re more pale than me.” He chuckles at his attempt at humor. And sighs when I don’t join in. I feel a cold hand on my forehead, too small to align with the deep male voice beside me. “And hot as well. Hotter than a human should be. You should…

  • Dream: Savanna Songs

    You know the disclaimer! Long read. NSFW. Keep away from prudes, children, and ideological fanatics. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. Hot. Hot and dry. Hot and dry and no shade. My dress shoes fell apart a long time ago. About the same time my red dress was almost completely ripped off me. But I escaped…

  • Prose: Full Moon in Pisces, a fading photo

    I followed the footsteps of the camels. Trod carefully in the midst of nowhere. She walked beside. I held her harp stringed with arrows. Her language was without vain intellect. Her words watered within. She led me away from the midnight river. Twixt the towers, the mountains, and the dogs. The jackal watched with approval.…

  • Dream: "Clean your House"

    I walk softly down the stone corridor. My sandals making delicate swishes with each step. I am walking forward in confidence, as I should. I am Queen here. You would not know from my dress however. I wore a shift of light and delicate linen. The cloth is pleated and moves with me. A simple…