Category: Dream

  • Dream Denizen: Saturn (planetary)

    A close friend of mine, I call him “Pharoah” here, formally introduced me to invoking the planets two years ago. I completely dismissed the idea because of my lack of magickal experience. Didn’t invoking planetary powers require all sorts of props, preparations, and solitude? I lacked all three. He corrected my errors and showed me…

  • Dream: Caught in Stone

    I could feel his hands around the stone. Could hear him intoning the words. Deep in my sleep, my dream self began to repeat the syllables as the svart-alf called me to him. No. Not this time. I will not go. Something was amiss. I had the strong feeling that I should not visit his…

  • Dream Denizen: Jupiter’s Girl

    Certain characters make repeat appearances in my dreams. As they often play key roles in my dream writeups, I’ll detail them under the heading of “Dream Denizen”. Some are mythological figures, some are representations of abstract concepts. Most are magical in one way or another. Some are easy to talk about, some are complete mysteries…

  • Dream: Children at Play

    “Here, your turn.” His words pulled me from my daydream back to the game at hand. I look at the wood cup blankly. He shakes it to focus my attention. I can hear something rattling inside. “Take it, girl! Your turn! Let’s see you roll better than me!”

  • Dream: You Know My Husband?

    (Scribe’s note: Certain names changed to protect the Guilty AND the Innocent.) My cell phone is dancing harshly on my desk. The vibrations sounding like a worn out drill is stuttering. Just as the initial vibrations cease, I blindly reach over and grab the phone. The first audible chirps are silenced as I press the…

  • Dream: Best Laid Plans, Part 2 of 2

    Rigson starts verbally describing what Jack is adding to the “circle”. Inaudibly, I start laying down my own wards and protections. First I lay down a series of runes around me, mostly consisting of Ehwaz and a few others in repetition. A sudden inspiration forces me to call Elhaz as well, but not to protect…

  • Dream: Best Laid Plans, Part 1 of 2

    Names have been changed, some details altered and/or omitted… Besides, it’s only a dream. Much to do today, so here is part one of what I dreamt the early morning of November 10, 2010.

  • Dream: Verdant Mound

    This dream occurred in the afternoon of March 5th, 2010. It is my first entry to the Birch Grove, the same where I broke the bindrune. A close friend remarked, in that rendition, I appeared oddly vulnerable. I certainly feel vulnerable posting this. But the writing has remained tucked away long enough, and now demands…

  • Dream: Breaking The Bindrune

    Laid down for an afternoon nap. The past couple nights have not been kind to me, and I needed a quick recharge. I laid down in my bed, alone in the house. The sound suddenly shifts around me, the air becomes cooler, and I get the sense I am not alone. I reach out and…

  • Dream: Green

    I had just woken up from an overly dramatic dream. Despite the detail, I considered it to be of no import, and made getting coffee my number one objective. Coffee acquired, I sat down at the long kitchen table, propped up my slippered feet, and nodded a good morning to my dear beloved roommate as…