Category: Dream
Spirit Journal: 2017-05-05.01
The clouds looked brushed across the morning sky as if by a great hand with greater sweeps. I thought nothing of them as I merged onto the freeway on my way to work. An idle brain does idle things, and clouds were made for wishes anyway, so no wonder I started to see patterns in…
Path of Daleth: Epilogue
Angel. Their appearance hit softly against my senses. Just hard enough for me to identify them, just soft enough for me to be aware I was not in conflict with them. I flinched anyway.
Dream Journal: 2017-04-29.01
“Now wait here for at two hours. We want to make sure you are not going to have a post-surgery reaction to the modifications.” The nurse patted my arm and started their rounds. I was lying on a gurney in the hallway with several other patients. Each of us had undergone some transformative surgery. They…
Dream Journal: 2017-04-27.01
I had closed my eyes for a long rest before getting on with the late evening’s obligations. I did not realize I had fallen asleep until I had opened my eyes and found myself standing in a place of darkness illuminated only by the two large concentric rings of white light surrounding me on the…
Dream Journal: 2017-04-20.01
In my time honored tradition of avoiding one problematic thing by immersing myself in another one, I made another attempt to pass the flames of the Path of Daleth again. I reckoned that if the angelic blessing was going to be dumped on my head willing or not, I might as well take advantage of…
Spirit Journal: 2017-04-19.01
I wasn’t reaching for an answer. I wasn’t reaching for an acknowledgement. I wasn’t reaching for confirmation or a rebuttal or a rebuke or a reason. I just wanted to “stretch”. The only way to recover old skills long dormant is to use them again, after all. I had no expectation of actually doing anything.…
Dream Journal: 2017-04-18.01
I made the necessary preparations and carved out the minimally required number of hours in solitude. I was going to go up that holy mountain tonight, dammit. Every part of me was singing one part of a duet and I knew the only way to complete the harmony was to go. So I went.
Dream Journal: 2017-04-17.01
*profuse bitching about the consequences of profuse bitching goes here* Dreamt I was on my way to help a friend with a ritual, but to get to his ritual room, I had to pass through a hallway lined with altars and shrines. I kept my hands to myself as I went and listened to a…
Spirit Journal: 2017-04-16.01
The theme of Nature versus Nurture comes up a lot in my writings lately. Not all of my dreams involving conflict between established traditions (Nurture) and personal abilities (Nature) are mere flights of fantasy. My immediate relatives reject me based on lack of a shared culture that was intentionally denied me (Nurture), but my ancestral…
Dream Journal: 2017-04-15.01
Dreamt Hell had frozen over and I managed to attend a pagan con. There was a clash of cliques in one of the hallways and I got caught in the crowd that assembled to watch the catfight. As I struggled to move away from the knot of bruised egos, I was able to overhear enough…