Category: Fixing Things

  • Practical Distinctions

    So, there’s a blog anthology site I contribute to called Practical Pagans. And there is a podcast show starting next week called Practical Druidry. The two are NOT related. Practical Pagans has contributions from pagan bloggers of many different paths, temperaments, and viewpoints. Our resident druids are Blackbird O’Connell and Morgan Daimler. Practical Druidry is…

  • Rum And Cigars

    I took the door not meant for me. You laughed and offered me a chair. I sought only advice. You laughed and gave gifts. I told you what I wanted. You laughed and gave me what I needed.

  • Results of OpenID Commenting Test: Fail

    A few of you brave souls were able to leave a comment after logging in with OpenID. The bulk of you curious folk, however, were not. Thank you very much for emailing me, and FB messaging me about the failure.

  • Need Help: Testing OpenID Commenting

    Some of y’all are trying to leave a comment using the OpenID system, and are not able to do so. I tweaked some things, but need third party (YOU) help to confirm if I done broke it good or fixed it good.

  • Washing The Fear Away

    I laid down to dream with a firm goal. There was a place I wanted to see, a dream denizen I wanted to talk to. The migraine had lifted, and the summer cold it was segueing into was more an annoyance than a hindrance. I set my mental rudder, closed my eyes, and set forth.

  • A Reminder About The Note

    Dear Readers, I do not use FeedBurner to publish Three Different Ways. Nor do I have ads in the feed or on the blog. This blog is published directly at and on the anthology Practical Pagans. Anything else is unauthorized and I would love to be notified.

  • Audacious

    This is your place. Sit here. Sit there. Sit at my feet and hold them. No. I will stand.

  • Cool Down That Fever

    This is a public post addressed to one person. The person using the Fever RSS Client hosted at Listen, I understand you have a lot of feeds to monitor/read and you’re trying to make sure you don’t miss out on anything important. Gotcha. I’m flattered, really. But.

  • Yes, It Is.

    “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” “The older a person gets, the more set they are in their ways.” “A leopard can’t change its spots.” “You can’t change the fundamental parts of yourself, the harder you try, the more you stay the same.” “It’s just a phase you’re going through, just ride it out…

  • Q: Full Feed or Post Excerpt

    So, you folks have been reading my blatherings long enough to see that my norm is at least 2,500 words. Anything less is some pithy snark or a blatant plea for interaction. (Like this one.) Now that I’ve been picked up by an anthology (Practical Pagans, check them out), I’m harassing even more people than…