Dream Journal: 2012-01-02.01

It’s a dream. Of course it’s going to be over the top. Of course it’s going to be masturbation of the ego. Most of my dreams are 95% full of absolute bullshit and never-could-happen scenarios. But they are worth sifting through for that 5% of insight that I need in the waking world.

The previous dream, such as. All that was needed to pitch the heroine as the next superhero was a underground lair. The power of music stopping the invasion of soulless aliens?

Bitch, please. Do I look like Minmei? Didn’t think so.

All that silliness is the 95% of nut fluffing that comprise most dreams.

The realization that I have mentally and emotionally healed to the point where I can recognize not only that I’ve locked myself away to keep from hurting again, but that I’ve reached a point where I have to start opening up and embrace the parts of me that are completely alien to continue the healing process?




