Dream Journal: 2012-05-27.01

Dream Report:

Six vignettes in one night. Poisoned. Sent shopping with inadequate funds. Family reunion. Rideshare bullshit. Home with the goods. Carried back to the Waking.

A “Good Night’s Sleep”? What’s that?

  • My entry into Dreaming didn’t go well. I was held on my side, a bowl placed under my head. “Let it out. Don’t hold any of it in.” ~more retching~ “When I find out who poisoned her, their discomfort will be as long as hers is brief.” Puck isn’t happy. I can tell he is using having to care for me as an emotional brake. Hard to go Full On when you’re holding something delicate. The retching eases. I’m given something to drink. It soothes my stomach and makes me sleepy. Puck drapes himself over me. I noted I didn’t freak out from the full body contact. I attributed that to being drugged. “Sleep. I myself will watch over you.” Sleep, I did.
  • At a store with a shopping list. Sent there with funds to help out a friend. List is very particular, mostly tumbled stones. Some metal seals, and pen nibs. Get to the checkout, what should have been $40 rang up to $160. I was only given $50 to purchase the list with. Fuck. I know the items are important. I know neither my friend nor I will be able to shop here again for some time. Very well, then. I joke weakly about tapping “emergency funds” and get my personal money to pay for it. The cashier smiles at me oddly and places a wrapped gift in my bag. “This is yours. Thank you for shopping with us.” I leave the store to catch a ride home.
  • It’s a family reunion! At a park, with rolling hills that disappeared under thickening forest. Air is still a bit chilly, partly cloudy. There’s my sisters and their kids having a ketchup fight. I’m waiting for my girlfriend to arrive. Not worried about her meeting the family. My cousins are fighting, kinda. More like jockeying for position of Grillmaster. While Dad just laughs at all of them, and adds wood to the firepit. I’m reading a collection of stories and dream accounts. The writer had quite the active dreaming life. Dad comes over, sees which book I have and starts chuckling. “Did you really think this was the first time?” He walks away as I become lucid and realize who everyone present (and arriving) at the family reunion really is. I flip in the book to a story about a family reunion in a dream. The page is blank except for these words: “You haven’t finished dreaming it yet.” Laughing as I put the book down, my sisters come over. Seems their combined kids decided to find out how many diapers can fit on a toddler. I stopped counting at five.
  • Ridesharing. Driver can’t decide which lane to take. There’s four of us in the car, take the nearly empty carpool lane! Nope. She gets out the HOV lane back into the congealed jello of normal traffic. Toll booth. “Tickets, please!” Fuck these taxes. Driver pays a tax for driving. Driver and passengers pay a tax for riding in the car and not taking public transit. Taxes are paid in advance via tickets and surrendered at the toll booths. Driver has her driving ticket and 2 passenger tickets. Knowing she tends to “forget” about others (Rideshare drivers are reimbursed by the company. She’s been claiming false purchases.) I had purchased extra tickets for driver and passenger. Toll collector sees my driver ticket, tells me to put it away because I’m a passenger. Driver sees it and goes apeshit. Demands I hand over the driver ticket. I refuse. Accuses me of counterfeit tickets. Toll collector removes me and my gear from vehicle, sends her off to be inspected. I’m given special escort home.
  • Home! ~phlumps on couch~ Phone rings. Fuck it, let it go to voicemail. “Did you get the stuff? How much change was leftover? On your way here, swing by the paper store and get me *” I stop the recording. Fuck everything about this. I dig through the bag. Most of the stones were cheap. The obsidian eye and the thin lapis lazuli palm piece were not. Porcupine quills were a dozen for a dollar. The gold plated nibs, weren’t. One seal had a crowned fleur-de-lis on it. The second seal was boxed up in a sealed white box. With no impression examples, it was ordered by part number. Quite heavy, it alone was $45. The wrapped gift box fit in my hand. Richly blue paper tied with gold ribbon, it too was heavy for its size. The cashier was clear, this was for me, not whoever had sent me. I place the box on the table and sit back on the couch in thought. Do I surrender the purchased goods and hope I get reimbursed? Or do I surrender the list and inadequate funds, keeping the treasures for myself? Why “All or Nothing”? I could pick enough of the list to equal the funds given. ~laughter~ No. All, or nothing. I have to choose.
  • I’m being carried by someone running. The runner is not encumbered by me, not with all the leaps and jumps. He laughs. Puck. “Hey. Where are you taking me and did I miss an asswhipping?” He looks at me and laughs harder. “I’m taking you home and you only missed one. By the way, you have something tied on your wrist. I suggest putting it away when you get home.” Oh hey, I have something pretty. I ask if I appeared before the Queen. “You did, I’m surprised you remember enough to ask. She’s not done with you though. You’ll be returning.” I ask about the pretty, he says he’ll explain later. I ask about LadyOverYou, and he starts laughing so hard, he almost drops me. “I heard you saw the chat log! That was fun! But it’s a long way back still. Go back to sleep.” And sleep I did.

Curiouser and curiouser…



