Dream Journal: 2012-08-11.04

Earlier I spoke to a friend that I did not feel I was out of harm’s way just yet. In the twenty minutes since I laid down and closed my eyes, I saw/felt/experienced…

  • Feeling a human adult size something jump on my back and literally try to ride me like a bipedal horse.
  • A sudden compulsion to run into the nearest wilderness. Immediately followed by the hallucination of doing just that. Some shrieking and/or wild utterances may have been involved.
  • The sensation of being forced to my knees and a bit & bridle being forced over my head. All sorts of torture is used to get me to open my mouth for the bit, but I refuse and ride out the pain instead.
  • Uncontrollable shaking. I’m not sure if this one is mere hallucination/dream.
  • The sensation of something crawling from the depths using my soul as an escape rope. It is climbing into me and wants out but I’m refusing to get out of the way because I abdicate to Not A Damn Thing.
  • The usual hallucinations of tearing, ripping, and biting at my flesh. I never really do. Just means I’m tired and need some deep dreamless sleep. I find it hilarious though.

Guess who is tired as fuck and now can’t go back to sleep. I guess this explains why there are so many cat videos on the Internet.



