Dream Journal: 2012-08-16.02

No. I didn’t get to visit the Svartalf last night. I dunno if to laugh, cry, or start throwing shit. After the tumblr dream I went back to bed. Snake was waiting for me in the lair. He said I had a choice. I could either set out and try for the Svartalf again, or I could get some rest. I asked him what was he not telling me.

“You’ll get to him when you get to him. The Nine Worlds know you’ve been trying to reach him. I don’t think he is concerned about you forgetting him. But you’re putting one hell of a sleep debt on your body, Thursdays are all sorts of bullshit for you, and you won’t be able to fully relax until Friday afternoon.” He has several good points. Instead of heading back out, I curled up on the pallet. He coiled up over and around me, and I quickly went to sleep.

There were many pulls on me as I slept, but Snake had me in his coils. The other dreams would just have to go on without me. I could feel things trying to pull me away. I laughed a couple of times. What’s in Snake’s coils, stays in Snake’s coils.

Waking up was painful. As usual. I could hear the drama starting to wind up across the house. Time to get going.



