Dream Journal: 2012-09-02.02

I offered Top Hat Spider a nom de plume. “Reginald?”

He rejected it completely. “Ha! No.”

“A reader offered ‘Hannibal’, and ‘Tolstoy’.”

“Harrumph.” The word wasn’t so much said but displayed.

“And you don’t remember your name from your life?”

“No.” His demeanor contradicted his answer. “Any other suggestions?”

I took a guess based on what cultural clues I have been able to identify. If I was right, he would take offense. “Well… ‘Siegfried’.”

Offense was greatly taken. “Maybe after I have forgotten my dignity! But certainly not now!” He skittered off in a huff.

Oh my dear Top Hat Spider… Just who were you before and just why are you here now?


