Dream Journal: 2012-10-16.01

Last night I learned two very important things.

  1. When I let an emotion take the lead, I am very one-track minded and that focus taps into power I didn’t know I have.
  2. Snake is a bad-ass motherfucker that has been holding back all this time.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to restore my body from the knots I got tied into last night.

An Anon with rum and popcorn asked: “Snake has been holding back? Untying knots? What did you do? I admit I am dying of curiosity!”

Okay, a little more detail. I made a Very Bad Decision (according to him). The moment Snake saw me, he vetoed the entire plan for the night. I blew him off and told him to remain in the lair with the rest of the chicken feathers.

Did I mention he thought the plan was not a good one?

Long story made short, we tussled. And I found what it’s like to be bowtied by an anaconda.

Did I mention I was in a one-track state of mind? Like hell was I going to allow a mere physical limitation to stop me.

I brought the keg of whipass. Snake went mythic on me. It wasn’t pretty. I think I left a bloodstain on the ceiling. I dunno.

Next I know, I’m tied up and wrapped by fifty feet of Pissed. “Don’t forget, I know your limits. All of them. If I have to bring you to your knees in the Waking, I will.”

There were many expletives from me, but I had enough reason to know my ass was beat. I tried to sneak out often, but kinda hard to do when there is fifty feet of vigilance draped over me.

I don’t know when I finally surrendered and fell into deeper sleep. I just know I have bruises and pulled muscles on my Waking self that can not be accounted for.




