Dream Journal: 2012-10-22.01

Waved good night to the house. Gave HIC his goodnight hug. Exchanged pleasantries with Sir Nathaniel and bid him a good night. Told Horatio to behave and not prank anyone. Intended to camp out at the lair and work on a few things.

Next I know, the room is stuffed. I open my eyes to find the room is lit up by multitudes of amber-hued glowing entities that have filled every available space. I sit up, visibly annoyed. Sir Nathaniel gently pushes one out of the way and comes down the wall to get close to me.

“Some of the Irregulars have returned, Madam, and wish to make acquaintance with you.” Oh. Not all the entities remain in the house year round. Some wander through some seasons and return here for others. Hence the name “Irregulars” for those that come and go but still consider this place “home”. I guess this group cycles in years. I don’t remember seeing them when I first started taking inventory.

My annoyance is quickly replaced by curiosity. “Oh. Hello. Forgive me for staring, but your collective forms are hard to see by human reckoning.” Something large blunders through them, forcing them to move. As HIC claims my hand, the shuffling allows me to see distinct forms.

They appear as a swarm of amber jellyfish. The “bodies” look more octopus, but the tendrils that hang freely are definitely jellyfish. Noting that the forms I perceive tend to demonstrate their dangers, I ask them outright if I, or any other human in the house, are going to be in danger from them.

They collectively bob slightly, but I am unable to perceive their answer. Sir Nathaniel translates, “They promise no harm to you or your daughter. They recognize your hold over the house and pledge assistance should you need it.

“I accept the pledge and return it in kind. Will take me time to learn how to hear you. In the meantime, welcome home.” The closest jellyfish drew a long tendril over my shoulder. I patted it without fear. “Forgive my abruptness, but I do need some sleep. I normally kick most everyone out, but tonight I’ll allow y’all to hang around.” An instinct was nagging me. I told HIC to go with Horatio and check the rest of the house.

They returned telling me something else came into the house. But the “kids” that camp in my parents’ room took immediate offense to it and jumped on it at once. By the time they got there, it was destroyed.

Everything settled, I bid one and all another round of ‘Good night’, and went into deeper sleep. Never did finish all I wanted at the lair.



