Dream Journal: 2012-10-25.01

The letter to the Envoy was short and sweet and many more words than what I left for others in the wake of the letter-borne attack at the Condo.

Dear Envoy,

I have been quite busy in other worlds and have not had the luxury of visiting the City these past two weeks. I’ve received concerned messages from you and my new neighbors inquiring to my welfare.

I assure you, I am doing well. Having a few adventures here and there. I won’t bore you with details. Let’s just say I’m doing what needs be done.

Regarding Roger’s transformation, or is that his revealing? I’m not sure. He always appeared human to me, even when I first met him during the process that led to his awakening and entry into the City. Arrogance is very much a human trait, so I thought nothing of it. But then again, I find arrogance is also the hallmark of the non-human elsewhere. My apologies, dear Envoy, I just don’t know enough about the worlds yet to distinguish human from other without being very invasive.

You’ve seen the company I keep after all. I tend to value companionship over species, and will be brutal to any that betray me.

I thank you again, for the condo. I have it decorated to my liking and think it will make a fine vacation home for when I need respite from pushing my luck elsewhere.

Weaver Far-Traveled

Such is the letter Snake dropped off for me in the out-going mail slot at the condo. (The mailman comes to the door! Oh, nostalgia!) No strange images was in the accumulated stack, but the Envoy’s inquires were getting impatient. Seems Roger changed form suddenly and freaked out the populace. Trolls are not only ugly, they smell like the feces of the diseased. I’d freak the fuck out as well!

I have had my hands busy with Other Matters, of which I am not privy to speak of. Thus the days with no dream entries. Snake did say he left a little something of his own in the condo, and promised me he painted over nothing.

I said nothing, but I now understand why his regalia is missing a few feathers.

I almost feel sorry for any that would attempt to break into the condo when I’m absent. Almost. Really, I wanna watch!



