Dream Journal: 2012-11-18.01

Now that it’s morning…

  • Have a meeting with one guy, about another guy, and hope I don’t get drunk under the table. (Again.) Scheduled for today.
  • Have a carriage waiting for me. Thought I’d make that appointment last night. Got sent on a different errand instead. The requester is patient, thankfully, as is her messenger. Scheduled for today, hopefully before the other meeting.
  • Have a bag (or two) of goodies to drop off to those that helped me out after I got my ass kicked. It took me a while to identify them, but now that I have, proper thanks is in order. Completed with satisfaction and shinies for all.
  • And I never finished my business with No Man at the jetty. It will happen when it happens. Hopefully soon. Or did I overlook his lesson again? (Bias & appearances)

Coffee. Nao.



