Dream Journal: 2012-12-01.01

A lazy dream of playing cards at the park. Belle, Kanna, myself, and a person I can’t remember. Belle’s amethysts were a sparkling contrast to the shifting shadows across from her. Kanna’s fanciful rat kept watch from her shoulder, sneezing when Kanna played a card that broke our trick.

In plain sight, we played our game, the four of us. We talked and laughed and conspired. There were many folks around us. Some paid us no mind. Some tried to figure out our game. Some took offense to our presence. Most paid us no mind.

One observer looked over Belle’s cards and told her she was playing Bridge wrong. One looked at Kanna’s cards (avoiding the fancy rat giving the observer stink-eye) and said she was playing Poker wrong. One looked at my cards and said I was playing Hearts wrong. No one remembered the fourth player, so they took to arguing with each other about what game we were playing, how we should play it, and who we should be playing with.

While they went a step away from us to continue arguing what they have concluded, we four continued playing our game. We weren’t playing Bridge, Poker, Hearts, or Memory. We were playing a private game.

Another bystander came forward and told us if we’re going to play in public, we should play a card game that everyone knows so they can play too. “I tried that. Fuckers cheat like fuck.” I’m shuffling the playing card deck as I speak. “The rules kept changing and some demanded I pay to play!” I start dealing cards. “I like this much better.”

The person asked us to explain the rules. He collects games but couldn’t figure out ours. Belle said, “It’s simple. I’ll lead with a card of Mind Your Damn Business. Kanna will follow with a Rejection Of Your Entitlement. I’m sure what he follows that with will be unmemoriable because it’s not the answer you want. But I think her card edges are sharp enough to cut threads. So, keep that in mind, sweetie. We know we’re in public, but we’re still doing as we please. Now be a good boy and let the grown folks play.”

He stood there for a moment, scribbling down Belle’s words. “Hey, lady? What does cutting thread have to do with cards?” Kanna’s rat squeaked at him. Belle’s amethysts darkened in hue. Peals of laughter mixed with my chuckles.

“Well, bless his heart, an ingenue.” Shadowed words agreed with Belle. The game collector thought I had spoken and came around the table to ask me. Only to find himself across the park suddenly and completely distracted.

We continued to play in public, and in relative peace.



