Dream Journal: 2013-04-16.02

~Suddenly remembers that Loki kinda paid her a visit last night~

But he was in disguise. A piss-poor one, I easily saw through it. I didn’t call him out on it because he was on escort duty. He almost seemed apologetic. Like that uncle that never liked kids having to take your cousin to get ice-cream. He had that “Fuck everything about this!” face on. The look on his face when he realized I recognized him was delightful. It read, “Could it get any worse!”. I let him see my smirk, and did nothing else.

His charge appeared to me as a child. A bouncy, happy, full of wonder and curiosity kid. I knew this wasn’t a human child, but a human adult. I stepped into the shadows and disappeared fron the kid’s sight at once. “Hey! Where did it go?” It? I wonder what did she see? Uncle Loki nodded a subtle thanks and took the kid’s hand. “We still have a ways to go. Stay on the…” The kid took off chasing another light. “… path.” The light veered off the path into another dark area. The kid followed.

“I’m going to start Ragnarok and it will all be that bitch’s fault!” The words were Icelandic but I understood them perfectly.

“Which bitch, Uncle Loki?” I couldn’t resist. He glared at me with a fierce flame in his eyes. Then forced himself to relax by laughter. “You better catch up. There are Shamblings, Svartalf entrances, and a path to Under The Hill over there.”

Uncle Loki just sighed, swore more under his breath, and took off running after the kid.

Shortly after that is when I was pulled into the automaton.



