Dream Journal: 2013-04-21.04

star-weaver said:

::offers hot cocoa and nods:: Keeper of Lives isn’t a title I know of, much less future lives. Or life unlocking. Gate keeping, yes. But. That’s a bit too literal to fit here. ::figures self wrong in the angle of speculation::

I am not picking on you. (much) But, I know how Certain Other Tumblrites will take this and run off at Mach 9 only to return and start giving me shit for assumptions I never made and declarations I never uttered.

Believe me, the only person more surprised by the Seer with my words was me. And that particular key was inert to everyone else in the room, even to me. That answer was only relevant to the Seer.

“Keeper of Lives” is not one of my names. “Gatekeeper” means different things in different context, and we all know how easily (and eagerly) abused English can be. I can think of several ways I can properly claim “Gatekeeper” as my title, and several ways I can exclude it as well.

Long term readers know about Resting Guy (aka Roger aka That Backstabbing Bastard aka The Trolled Troll) and how he entered the City and the shenanigans that followed. They know about the Building that the key in question fits. If you’re curious, those events start with “The Gathering” on my main blog.

By now, I shouldn’t have to warn you there are thousands of words involved, now should I. (Nope.)

And by now, I shouldn’t have to explicitly tell you up front there are events unwritten, and scenes obviously obfuscated, now should I. (Nope.)

But there is enough there to entertain you, and give you enough backstory to understand why I was freaking the fuck out when I said what I did.




