Dream Journal: 2013-05-03.01

“Four Princes” is a nom de plume for a bureaucratically patient, bureaucratically arrogant messenger/official of a pantheon (and attendant culture) that regards outsiders as a waste of space and only fit for enslavement if that. He is not happy about coming to my door. Not happy that it took two days for me to figure out who he is. Not happy I do not have fear of him or his boss. Not happy I followed his boss’ precedent in our interactions. Not happy I did not place myself as subordinate to him. Not happy Snake used the meeting to coach me through some live social politeness training. (Tea etiquette! Ugh!) A little in awe when Snake turned into a Mythic and intimidated him into place. (Not your house, behave.)

“Four Princes” is the English transliteration of the nom de plume. He is right, the context was leaping off the page. But only if viewed in the proper character set. Which I didn’t see until I was goofing off with doodles again and drew it out. Cue facepalm and Homer Simpson quote.

I received a pass for his boss’ lands, and a request to visit “at [my] earliest convenience”. When I asked about etiquette, he dryly noted I have a personal tutor already. Not his department. Not his job. With that observation, he excused himself and left.

Snake and I prepared to leave at once. I was surprised to see him with armor over his robes. “A visual trick. Completely unnecessary with [Bossman], but his underlings may vary in comprehension. The tunnel vision of the bureaucrat and such.”

We were received by Bossman and ushered into a private conference. He smiled warmly at Snake but said nothing to him. Bossman and I spoke of several things. Questions were asked and answered. But of what, I don’t remember. Bossman told me upfront that the topics would be sealed until his investigations into certain matters were done. I accepted this.

I had questions of my own, but I felt this was not the time. He is a key figure to tracking down my last elemental lord. Without his blessing, as an outsider, I will be locked out of the different levels of realms where she might be found. It felt too early to inquire. I felt before asking for a boon, I should perform one first. Such as allowing my memory to be locked and assisting with his investigation.

We shared tea. He gave me a waking world warning about my family. Snake and I were dismissed and we left. I still had the pass. Snake noted the investigation was still ongoing. It is a pretty example of papercraft and calligraphy so I framed it and hung it next to Bossman’s hanging ribbon. When I need it, there it is.



