Dream Journal: 2013-07-10.01

So many masks. A curious “person” stood a polite space away while I sat in the park with lunch and notes. I identified at once who the person appeared to be. I greeted them in the manner due their presentation and asked if they wished to join me.

They declined.

“So. Are you [Mask], [Modern Figure], or [Synchrenized Deity]? The three are not the same after all, and I do not wish to inadvertently offend.”

They smiled, but did not answer.

I bowed in understanding, and turned to my notes. I saw my table and papers overrun with ants, but the insects were not harming me nor stealing my food.

“Would it matter if I was any of those you mentioned?”

“It would, Madam. [Mask] is open to me, indeed I am considering using her in my works. [Modern Figure] appears to be culturally closed to me. Her adherents imply she is available to all that approach her provided certain rules and ritual are met, but I am not of her home culture. I would have to go to the back door. [Synchrenized Deity] is unapproachable. She will have to pull me to her. I don’t have any rights to her, but if she were to come to me, I would be polite just the same. I hope.”

The figure laughed. I chuckled, then continued. “There’s a fourth possibility. That someone is using that appearance to get close to me. In which case, I would likely remain ignorant of the duplicity until the imposter gives me reason to investigate further. I generally take such subterfuge as an act of war.” I smiled warmly.

“Then peace is kept, if boundaries are kept, by both of us.”, she said. I nodded. “Your hands are bloody but your head is cool. Surprising for such hot blood. I leave you in peace then.” She bowed to me in formal farewell and left.

When she left I was convinced it was not an imposter that visited me. Certainly not a easily donned mask. I am certain I was visited by [Modern Figure] or [Synchrenized Deity], and tested. I am unharmed. I passed. However, I shall certainly heed the warning.

The ants that had completely covered the table and my lap left in her wake. I remained alone at the park, and continued looking over my notes.



