Dream Journal: 2013-08-11.01

Dreamt someone using the pseudonym of “Jim James” sent me a threatening email that started with “Fe Fi Fo Fum”. It rambled a bit on about my posts being an offense and a blasphemy because $Reasons and ended with a promise to stalk me, hunt me, and destroy me.

I put one hand on my face because Are You Fucking Serious and the other hand on the table to steady myself for my response. With my eyes covered I spoke my response:

“Fe Fi Fo Fum.
The call has been sounded, so here I come.
I’ll leave the flesh living but take your soul with me dead,
and make of you a sacrifice of weeping bread.
Ke Ki Ko Kaw!
The bonechewers come with talon and claw.
They’ll strip meat from bone and infect you with rot,
‘til pain and tears will be all that you’ve got.
He Hi Ho Hail!
Your ass is now mine to beat on and flail.
Your wyrd is now frozen, brittle as ice.
And I’m long done being sweet and nice.”

I took my hand off my face and slammed it on the table. My email client dinged at the arrival of a new message. “Jim James” had only four words for me. “I’m sorry. Please stop.”


You wanted it. You got it. Now eat it. Eat it all!

(And now, a debriefing…)

“Jim” and “James” are derived from “Jacob” and means “supplanter” with synonyms of superseding, usurper, and thief.. So “Jim James” is an English way to say “The Domineering Substitute”, “The Forceful Usurper”, and “The Replacement King”. The repetition of the name implying a more powerful expression of the meaning.

So, this Jim James threatens me with acts of war if I didn’t immediately capitulate, recognize his authority over me, and publicly acknowledge such. (Which is what the message was really about. My posts were a threat to his authority. The racial and misogynist slurs were only garnish.) He thinks that if he speaks with the appearance of power, that I would fold at once.

Nearly every entity I have encountered that truly has power, doesn’t demand recognition of that power unless necessary. Anyone that has to ask, “Do you know who I am?”, doesn’t deserve to be known.

I’m not concerned if Jim James is a Tumblrite, a reader, or even a human. He brought it. I broke it. And now the debriefing is over.



