Dream Journal: 2013-08-30.01

Bone Temple Burn Watch:

There is the gray and eggshell-white bone temple. There is the gray ashen grounds around it. There is the path the Boneburners took around the grounds of the temple. There is thickening darkness hemming all in.

Every vantage point around the complex is taken up by a Boneburner or a Raven. Or a Boneburner with Ravens perched on them. The Elder Boneburners are a ribbon of silent shadows, with more corporeal (assumed still living) Boneburners wading through them like one wades through a waist high river. The feet of the circling watchers has ground a rut into the compacted ash and dirt around the complex.

I stood on a mound and watched. An Elder glanced at me with hollow eye sockets with an instruction. “Come walk.”

I made my way down to the thick river of silence and joined the procession. I didn’t glance at the temple during my time there. I was too busy feeling the discrepancy in temperature. Within the temple grounds, the heavy air was strangely hot and increasing in temperature. Among the spectators, the air was hushed and cool. We that were walking the boundary kept this from mixing. The temple was isolated, and none was going to cross us.

My rage threatened to literally flare up as I considered the building we were marching around. I don’t take betrayal well, and still took their actions as a personal affront. Once I soothed my rage with the promise of soon, I noticed the temple walls were humming.

It was a low almost imperceptible tone, more a moan than a vibration. It was coming from the very bones trapped in the walls. I smiled.

The Elder Boneburner that had called me wrapped kir ethereal presence around me. “Enough. Depart. You are called elsewhere.”

I left the inky stream and went on to my little personal territory. Indeed, I did have something waiting for me, but that’s not for here.



