Dream Journal: 2013-09-01.01

Dreamt someone posted on the XDA forums that 4.3 had been officially released for my phone and those of us running a modified stock have to revert our changes to get the update.

Didn’t realize I was dreaming at first, but did due diligence anyway. I checked my carrier’s website and forums. I checked the manufacturer’s forums. It was shown released at the manufacturer, but the carrier didn’t have an update yet. Just a notification that it was pending.

So far, so waking. This is normal behavior from both.

But then the XDA thread updated, and a poster made a reference that could not happen (this openly) in the waking and it made me pause. Time for a dream check. I called a display that I do not have the gear for in the waking. It appeared. I’m dreaming.

I continued monitoring the thread and spent the rest of the dream trying to discern if this was the near future I was seeing, or an allegory about something else.

Haven’t figured that out yet despite three hours of being awake.



