Dream Journal: 2013-10-12.02

So last night my phone conspired with my alcohol to troll me and autocorrect ‘witch’ to ‘wapiti’. Having never encountered that word before (‘wapiti’, you heckler) I looked it up and got all sorts of Sec feels. (They manifested as donut cravings. Can’t imagine why.)

So now it is post-coffee-o’clock and I can’t shake the mashed up title “Wapiti Witch” out of my head. It feels tied to Bear and his lost stories somehow. Of course, I have not a single hint to follow other than Moose is somehow tied up in this as well.

We’ll see what comes.

After I chase down a fresh donut.

“korellyn” replied with:

Around my neck of the woods, wapiti means “elk” in the language of the local first nations. We have a Wapiti River and a whole slew of businesses with wapiti in the name.

Just putting that out there.

Hmm. Okay. First thing I need to do is sit down and define what I mean by ‘witch’. Because I recall some Tumblr chains stating that certain activity falls under “Sorcerer” and is forbidden to certain First Nation members. I use the word ‘witch’ quite liberally. What I mean by it is completely dependent on the context. This witch is not the same as that witch.

So if I’m going to go there, I need to define what this Wapiti Witch that is stalking the periphery of my consciousness is doing. (And it is a person. I just don’t know of what nature just yet.) She is hooded, and her cloak is the same hues of what I would expect deer to be colored. She has a large rack, but it is not dense. I can’t tell if her rack is part of the hood or growing from her own head.

She stands at the treeline. Fog is descending and mist is rising. There may be a river between us, the mist obscures that area well. She’s watching me. Waiting to see what I am going to do.


First, I’m going to divine/scry if this is just my imagination kicking into high gear and running away with the title of “Wapiti Witch”, or if this is Someone Of Interest that’s managed to grab a stray thread of my attention.


