Dream Journal: 2013-10-14.01

Me: “The Crooked Man with the Crooked Cane, and the Mangy Dog that follows the same…”

Rummer John: “That’s a lot of words when just saying ‘Papa Legba’ would work more efficiently.”

Me: “I’m a writer. I use words. Mostly in horrid combinations and to the distress of the teachers of my youth. Deal.”

RJ: ~hard laughter~ “Okay… this Crooked Man… what of him?”

Me: “He wasn’t surprised by the shells.”

RJ: “So it would appear.”

Me: “And neither was La Sirene when she challenged me for them.”

RJ: “This too, is in the public record.”

Me: “I’m looking at fourteen shells, and not seeing the shenanigans it took to get those shells on my car that day.”

RJ: “Go on…”

Me: “You want something pithy and cliché, or an honest observation?”

RJ: “There is no such thing as an honest observation. Every observer has an agenda to find confirmation for. Speak your mind, Girl.”

Me: “I’m using the wrong value system.”

RJ: “Well, hell, you might be maturing after all. Here, have some rum to celebrate.”

Me: ~stinkeye~

RJ: ~hard laughter~


